Saturday, April 26, 2008,
Recently, I have been listening to Sade's songs. I love her voice! deep and yet at the same time, soothing. I like the song, 'By Your Side.' This track was nominated for the Grammy Award's in 2002 but was lose out to Nelly Furtado's 'I'm like a bird'. Haha, anyways, a good song does not mean that the song must win an award. I have put this song as my blog song so check it out people! =))) I am still stucked with the script for next wednesday's ICA. Help anyone? Anyways, ICA's next monday, wednesday and friday! Ahhhhhhh. I totally forgot about friday's ICA. I think I better go back to studying. End of slacking! take care all! =D
2:35:00 PM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008,
Hi all, your friend here - Pei Ying almost died today or rather she thought she was dying. I almost freaked out when I thought I was to die in the toilet. I was all alone at home when the same old problem of mine came back - low blood sugar or rather half eaten breakfast. Totally hit by the overwhelming dizzy spell. I was literally sitting down on the toilet floor and resting my head on the toilet bowl and really thought I was dying. What was funny was i fell and hit my ribcage against the toilet bowl and I could not even feel it and thought that I was dreaming. Thank god nothing happened to me as I made my way to my bedroom just to rest for a moment leading to me to fall asleep for 2 hours. Today's ICA was a bit of crap anyways, I managed to answer the questions as rightfully as I could. Haha. Oh ya, then I went for the blood donation drive again today with 2 of my classmates. However, 1 was underweight another had flu ending me the only one donating blood. Fruitful experience again. =] Somehow, I think the the dizzy spell that I had gotten was due to insufficient breakfast followed by the blood donation. So people, have breakfast before donating blood! The fainting spell was really really scary alrighty?!! Especially when you are all alone and your freaking handphone was in the living room while you were struggling to get out of the toilet. Haha. I am feeling much much much better already. =D ICA 1 for PM next Monday and ICA 2 for CS next Wednesday! JIAYOU! =)))
4:27:00 PM
Monday, April 21, 2008,
Why do girls go ga-ga over Korean guys? - THEY HAVE TINY EYES LEH! (Like all those below)
   But but but, as according to answers that I have yahoo searched, it shows: - THEY'RE CUTE.
And, I agree with the 3 points on top lars. You see, imagine this girl sitting in front of the TV, swooning over the guys in the Korean drama and you will know why. Haha. Girls watched idol dramas, Korean dramas because they are: - ROMANTIC BUT UNREALISTIC! (They wont happen in real life)
So guys, stop saying watching Korean or idol dramas are dumb. Just let them dream on because they wont happen at all. Haha. This blog entry is so so so random I guess. Just for entertainment purpose. Haha.
12:17:00 AM
Saturday, April 19, 2008,
Yeah! I won my brother in a game! First time in my life!
School starts but I am still in the "slack-all-you-can" mode! The lessons are boring boring boring! So, I shall go back to my notes now. Bye.
The unspeakable says everything.
5:05:00 PM
Thursday, April 10, 2008,
I literally dropped that cup of bubble tea that I was holding on purposely yesterday. Ok, confession done and ended.
So near yet so far. All things play a part. If only...
Tomorrow's friday. Tell me if things are going to turn out well this weekend? I have been waiting for today but it turned out to be this way. How pathetic it is. I am feeling like a piece of shit now.
7:10:00 PM
Wednesday, April 9, 2008,
I feel blessed in certain point of my life like a simple dinner with my loved ones. However, there are some things in life that we cannot control about.
Perhaps, these are trials in life. Perhaps, these are to make us a stronger. Perhaps, all these are a must in life.
But, all these perhaps are too long. So,why not give a chance? Things would turn out better.
4:34:00 PM
Tuesday, April 8, 2008,
School starts next weekk!!!
I hope everything goes smoothly.
The same for everyone who are starting school. =)
6:31:00 PM
Monday, April 7, 2008,
Hellos... back from the toilet from diarrhoea,perhaps of the food from my amah's birthday dinner. Today's my amah birthday and what was realised that i don't know how old is my grandma this year. Sorry for that because, they only put a candle on the cake. Haha. Anyways, I don't know of the mixed feelings inside me. I am really looking forward to the birthday dinner but another part of me don't. I think it is really the family politics that is really driving me crazy. I don't see the reason for me to feel this way. I hate the way they look at me or rather us. The way they caused the problem to be in this way. Therefore, I am sorry that I don't see the need for them to greet them or say hello. Call me disrespectful but isn' t there a saying "If you want others to respect you, you should first respect the others?" Ok, say that i am still young and don't now most of the issues that had actually caused things to turn out these way. However, I somehow knew what had happened. I see my father as generous and someone who will not forget the kindness of others. Thats why he treats his siblings well but some people take his good for granted. I mean if they have not take my father's good for granted, would my father ever turn his back against you all? well, I cannot answer that for them but only they themselves can. Brotherly ties you call that. Bullshit I say. What I cannot stand before the dinner was that my father and brother were late and the people there or rather my relatives were rushing me and asking me to call them and ask what time will they be coming. I told them already, we will just start the dinner without waiting for them. I am just acting according to what my dad has told me. To me, I felt like a superstar just now. I had to say repeatedly that we shall start the dinner without them. What made me the most fed up was that hey had to show their grotesque face to show their unpleasantness. Oh ya, I forgot to mention that my father had last minute work thus being late for the dinner. What can he do about it? So, I had to sarcastically reply that "ya, if only he ( my dad) owns the roads!" I don't know why things turn out this way. Every family gathering is always like that. I know I have serious attitude problem but lets put it this way. I am actually kind lars. I mean if my relatives don't see me in another light, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps, I would be really really kinder with my words. Serious and I mean it. =)
12:35:00 AM
Thursday, April 3, 2008,
Every word and every sentence seemed so cliche.
Everything is becoming so overused.
Baking was supposed to be today. Anyways, it will be postponed to next monday. Yeah!
4:20:00 PM
Tuesday, April 1, 2008,
Can there be a prelude before anything?
Absolutely no.
If there is, there won't be unhappiness.
Simple theory.
Ya, I am dumb.
Sending my own death in the dungeon.
9:45:00 PM
YYours Truly
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